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Johnson & Johnson

OUR Johnson & Johnson PRODUCTS


Product Overview Proven performance you can trust - 1-DAY ACUVUE® MOIST integrates premium EYE‑INSPIRED™ Innovations for an exceptional vision experience within reach. 1-DAY ACUVUE® MOIST makes Success Simplified™ Unbeaten in comfort in its category2† An ACUVUE® experience within reach Available in a full family of lenses to fit almost any patient 1-DAY A ...

1-DAY ACUVUE® MOIST Multifocal

Product Overview 1-Day ACUVUE® MOIST MULTIFOCAL Contact Lenses are uniquely designed to provide crisp, clear, reliable vision at all distances enabling your presbyopic patients to continue to see distance, intermediate and near tasks.  Patients can continue wearing contact lenses to do the things they love. #1 selling Daily Disposable Contact Lens Brand in the World. Blocks approximately ...


BLINK STABILIZED® Design helps minimize shifting and helps keep vision crisp, clear and stable all day long—even for people with an active lifestyle. KEY FEATURES Exceptional comfort meets visual stability in these contacts for astigmatism - when objects are blurry and shadowed at all distances, often accompanied by near or farsightedness. ACUVUE® OASYS® for Astigmatism 2-Week c ...

ACUVUE OASYS® 1-Day for Astigmatism

ACUVUE OASYS® 1-DAY for ASTIGMATISM Brand Contact Lenses are designed with Hydraluxe™ Technology to help make the feeling of tired eyes a thing of the past. The design of these daily contacts for astigmatism also help to provide clear, consistent, stable vision all day long—whether you’re relaxing on the couch or playing sports. KEY FEATURES These daily d ...

ACUVUE OASYS® 1-Day with HydraLuxe

ACUVUE OASYS® 1-DAY is designed with HydraLuxe™ Technology to help keep your eyes feeling comfortable throughout the demands of your day. This contact lens has tear-like properties that work with your natural tear film each day, providing all-day performance and excellent comfort, vision and handling. KEY FEATURES If your eyes feel tired from staring at digital devices or work ...